Support for Collaborations

Partner Plan Act Collaboration Institute

The Community Systems Statewide Supports team is thrilled to be able to offer the Partner Plan Act Collaboration Institute (PPACI): a yearlong project for local early childhood collaboration. PPACI is designed to help collaborations increase reach and impact by using a community systems development approach. Funded by the Illinois State Board of Education, this program is completely free to participating collaborations. PPACI centers family engagement and racial equity to improve outcomes for all children. Depending on individual need, collaborations can apply for either the process-guided or coach-guided tracks.

Key Elements of PPACI

Transformative Learning

1. Community Assessment & Targeted Problem Identification

Explore your community’s needs and pinpoint specific challenges affecting local early childhood systems.

2. Systems Scan & Root Cause Analysis

Identify and explore root causes, collect and analyze data, and engage stakeholders.

3. Strategy Design

Craft systems-change strategies to address community challenges.

4. Implementation & Action Learning

Bring strategies to life, fostering continuous learning and improvement.

What to Expect

Participating in PPACI will support your collaboration in:

  • Adopting a systems-change approach. Equip your collaboration with tools and methods for effective systems-change work.
  • Exploring community needs and strengths. Collect and analyze community data, identify community needs, define strategies, and meet collaboration goals.
  • Influencing state policy. Contribute insights to shape state policy of community systems development.
  • Engaging in shared learning. Learn from and with experienced trainers, coaches, and collaboration peers.
  • Improve leadership capacity. Develop the capacity to lead impactful change within your community.

Curious About Applying?

We’d love for you to apply for our yearlong program that will empower you and other advocates to create and build on community systems change that makes a difference. If you’re curious but not quite ready to apply, feel free to reach out and we would be happy to answer any questions!

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